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What Are The New Features And Updates In The WordPress 5.4 Version?

WordPress 5.4 version was released on March 31, 2020, which is the first major release of this year. In this release, WordPress arises with the updated features. This release will greatly enhance the way how you build content on your websites.

Let’s dive deep into the most impressive new features and changes introduced in WordPress 5.4 version in detail –

The Block Editor Improvement

The main focus of this release is the Block editor. This improvement is a valuable piece of cake for the content creators, as from now, they can add more blocks while content edition.

Full-screen Mode Enabled By Default

From now, the block editor will display in full-screen. This default change will be noticeable only on the new WordPress installation. Whenever you access the WordPress admin with the help of a new area, device, browser or even from the incognito mode it will show up. To ignore this fault, you just need to click on the “exit the fullscreen mode” after clicking on the editor setting.

Social Icon Block

This block allows you to easily add the social media profiles link on your WordPress post or page. After clicking the icon, the link to your social media account will simply get added to your post or page.

Buttons Block

With the help of this new “buttons block” now you can add two or more buttons side by side rather than one. You can also add two different styled buttons with different colors, backgrounds, and text.

More Color Options

With WordPress 5.4 version, you can add many other colors on the Groups, cover and column blocks. You can also choose the color of the background, texts from the column block and the group block. It’s no more not like the previous version, where you have to change the color of the whole paragraph.

Drag and Drop to Add Featured Image

Now you can add images from the featured image section, just with drag and drop feature. There is no need to select the image manually to upload and set the featured image.

Better Mobile Toolbar

Till now, when you try to edit the blog post by using a mobile device, the toolbar moves around blocks. But with WordPress 5.4 version, you have a floating toolbar on the top, which changes accordingly to the editing.

Size of Gallery Images

Earlier you were not able to choose image sizes for images in the image gallery block. Now you can easily choose the size of images in the image gallery block.

Improve the Latest Post Block

Previously, the Latest Posts block didn’t introduce the featured images. From now, users can choose the size or alignment of featured images. This makes it more valuable and engaging.

Easily Selection of Block Tool

With the help of the selection tool, now you can easily select the block you want to change. From now, you just have to click on the selection tool and then scroll the mouse towards the block you want to choose.

Enable Tik-Tok Video in WordPress

With 5.4 version, just like adding youtube videos, you can easily add the TikTok videos on the page or post of your WordPress site with oEmbed support.

Updated Privacy Tool

WordPress also works on privacy features, the crucial one. They came up with the improvement in “built-in” privacy tools. In this tool, personal data exports are included, with the session tokens and much more such as community events location and custom user meta. From now the personal data export comes in 2 files, one is on HTML and the second one is JSON. Plus the file also includes a table of contents on its top, so one can easily navigate.

Improvements for Developers

WordPress also adds some features which mostly affect theme and plugin development, scroll down to note in detail.

  • In WordPress 5.4 version, the HTML output is changed for the calendar widget.
  • Now the developers can add the custom field to navigation menu items.
  • Developers can add keyboard shortcuts to the block editors.
  • Apply_shortcodes() instead of do_shortcodes().
  • Some of the customizer classes, which were unused for a long time, are now disapproved.

WordPress is updated, as we are. With all-new updated features of the WordPress 5.4 version, it is a “ready to resolve” version of WordPress. If you want to update to the latest version, visit your Dashboard? Updates and click Update Now. And don’t forget to keep a complete “WordPress backup” before updating the platform. As a WordPress Website Development Company, we are all set to use all those updated features on your site too.

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