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Top 8 Reasons Why Users Don’t Trust Your Website

Today there exist millions of websites all over the world. But not all of the websites are trustworthy. Some are scam sites seeking to get your private information and misusing them. For legitimate sites including those belonging to businesses, it is important that visitors trust them. Only if folks trust your website will they do business with you. People will avoid sites which look fake. We take a look at what makes users distrust websites.

No SSL Encryption

Most people don’t want their private information to be in public. Encryption is key to the safety of user data but also indicates that you care for web security. Current browsers raise the alarm if the website has out-of-date SSL certificates. Google Chrome tags pages as unsafe which lack encryption in submission forms.

Unprofessional Web Design

Poor web design shows that you are not serious about your business as well as the image of the business in public. Make sure the color scheme is right, the website is uncluttered and easy to navigate. A good professional WordPress Website might cost some money but is well worth the investment.

Low Quality Content

First impressions matter. If your information is of little value and/or the site is not updated regularly people are likely to classify your site as untrustworthy. As they say content is king. Spending time, money and effort in producing high-quality content will pay off in the long run. Either use your inhouse writers if you have them or outsource the task to experts.

No Call To Action

A genuine website will have a prominent ‘Call to Action’ button which visitors can easily locate. If there is no ‘Call To Action’ button or it is difficult to find one then chances are the site is a fake one.

No Trust-mark

Trust-marks can be for privacy and security purposes. They can also be there for members of certain associations. Having them shows that the relevant website adheres to certain standards. Not having them sends the message that your quality is low or you don’t care for quality standards.

Too Many Ads

Ads may be required for monetization purposes. But if there are excessive ads the website will look cluttered and difficult to navigate. The message comes across as you care more about revenues than serving the customers.

Non-Existence of Social Media

No presence of the website in social media comes across as the site owners have something to hide. Alternatively, the entity doesn’t want to interact with visitors.

No Blog

If the site has no blog or relatively few blog posts it raises a red flag. Make sure you blog regularly. If you have not blogged in a while people may think the site has been abandoned. Blogging makes you an authority and potential customers trust authorities.

Other reasons to distrust websites are missing contact information, the absence of a physical address, skimpy or absence of ‘About Us’ page, no customer reviews, no pictures and videos of the staff and owners.

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