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The idea of using nulled WordPress themes and plugins has drawn you here?
Before stepping through such a drastic move, having complete knowledge of WordPress security risks should be your utmost priority. The search for pirated software without any site trouble will lead you towards many search results. But no one would tell you about the website vulnerability that comes complimentary with it.
In this article, we are talking about those security risks, which can harm your wp site after using nulled themes and plugins. But first, let’s know what they actually are?
Explaining Nulled themes & plugins-
Nulled plugins and themes are the pirated versions of their legitimated one. When you buy a licenced theme or plugins, it limits them to you only for a single website. However, some tech-savvy gons created an option to use them, well known as nulled, cracked, or pirated versions.
Top reasons you should not use nulled wp themes and plugins-
Security risks- “Nothing is free; everything comes with a price tag.” And when you choose cracked versions of site tools, you pay with the security of your site. Pirated versions do not have reviews, validation, and security guarantee. This means you could pay with site reputation & built-in efforts.
Additionally, there are no regulations on these plugins and themes, and hackers can easily target the sites. Sometimes, even hackers create nulled versions to gain access to sites.
update-less site- When it’s valid software, the developers update and fix it from time-to-time. They add new features, fix bugs and security patches, plus whenever the software needs updating, it shows a notification.
However, when you choose a nulled version of the software, it disconnects you and your site from developers and blocks the updates. And the pathetic thing is it doesn’t even show any notification of updates. Which means you can’t update software in case of bug fixing. And we would say, you are not even aware that your site is in trouble.
Incompatible site- If you have a WordPress site and installed nulled plugins & themes while updating site core, the nulled software will not get updated. And ultimately, it leads to compatibility issues and site breaks.
No developers support- It feels good when you know where to visit, in cases of site malfunctioning. But if you have a cracked version of it, where will you visit? Isn’t it an act of second thought!
So give it one, go for the valid versions of software and live under the umbrella of
WordPress Development Support.
Break the development spirit- WordPress developer’s community creates many themes and plugins to resolve issues. But when people use nulled software, it breaks their morale. However, if the paid versions are out of budget, use free legal themes and plugins available to make your site appealing.
Moreover, you want to go for nulled themes and plugins (which has a big NO from our side), here are some measures you should take care of.
Also, read about Top 10 WordPress Security Mistakes You Might Be Making.
Measures should take while using cracked versions-
- Scan for malware then and there if you already have nulled plugins and themes installed.
- Before using any nulled software, make sure you test it on a staging site.
- Use a WordPress security scanner for regular website security checks.
How to detect malware on pirated versions?
Step 1- Install the security plugins on your WordPress site.
Step 2- Access the plugin’s dashboard and enter an email address.
Step 3- The plugin will redirect to the independent dashboard, and the scan will run automatically.
Step 4- After completing the scan, it will display the page with sites and information, and results.
Don’t spoil your site yourself!
As an experienced WordPress Development Company, we strictly say NO to the nulled plugins and themes. And suggest you use the massive WordPress theme collection where there are so many free themes & plugins are available.
And if you’re looking for expert opinion and help, choose the best for your WordPress site and contact us today!